You can cancel your subscription any time via the Panda Office Account page or by contacting the Panda Office Support Team. For orders that are placed via third parties, such as GooglePlay and AppStore, you may need to cancel your subscription or request a refund from Apple Support, or Google Support. If you have purchased the orders from other third parties that have not to be mentioned above, please contact your supplier/seller or the platform to cancel the subscription.
Once the subscription is renewed, the subscribed orders could be refunded under the following situations only.
1. You have purchased another product or license from Panda Office.
2. The product you purchased has (a) terminal technical issues, which can’t be solved within 7/30 days.
Occasionally, we may change these Subscription and Cancellation terms. Your continuous subscription constitutes an acceptance of, and a promise to comply with, all the terms and conditions in these “Subscription and Cancellation terms” including any updates.