Home PC Data Recovery Photo/Video/Audio Recovery Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

How to recover accidentally deleted photos and videos? When we are sorting out video files, what should we do if we accidentally delete some important videos by mistake and can't find them in the recycle bin? Whether it is a video deleted by mistake on the com...

Written by PandaOffice

How to recover accidentally deleted photos and videos? When we are sorting out video files, what should we do if we accidentally delete some important videos by mistake and can't find them in the recycle bin? Whether it is a video deleted by mistake on the computer or a USB flash drive, memory card or other devices, when the video is deleted by mistake, the video will not be completely deleted from the device, as long as it is not written to write new information to overwrite it, then the video can be recovered, so how to recover the photos and videos deleted by mistake? Let's talk about how to retrieve accidentally deleted photos and videos. I believe that many people want to know.

Method 1: Shortcut keys to recover deleted photos or videos

This method is suitable for you who have just accidentally deleted a photo or video, but haven't taken the next step yet. How do I recover a photo or video that has just been deleted? You can use the "Ctrl+Z" shortcut to restore the original position.

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

Method 2: Recycle Bin to recover deleted photos or videos

Unless deleted permanently, photos or videos deleted by your computer usually go through the Recycle Bin. How to get back photos or videos deleted in the recycle bin? Open the recycle bin of your computer, you can see the photos or videos you want to recover, select the photos or videos, and right-click to quickly restore.

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

Method 3: Backup and restore deleted photos or videos

The premise of backing up and restoring photos or videos is that you usually have a good habit of backing up, such as getting used to backing up in Baidu Netdisk or Thunderbolt. Can I get back my recently deleted photos or videos after I have emptied them? OK. At this point, you just need to transfer the photos or videos you need to recover from it.

Note: Applicable to most data loss situations, even if the device is damaged, it will not cause photo loss.

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

Method 4: Registry to recover deleted photos or videos

This situation applies when the photos or videos to be recovered have passed through the Recycle Bin or you have emptied the files in the Recycle Bin. What should I do if a photo or video is accidentally deleted permanently? You can recover deleted photos or videos from your computer's registry.

1. Use "Win+R" to start the running window, enter "regedit", and click OK;

2. Find the folders in the open registry in order: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer, DeskTop, NameSpace

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

3. After finding the folder, create a new item and change the name to {645FFO40-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E};

4. Click to modify the "default" file, change the value data to "Recycle Bin", and restart the computer to update the data after confirmation.

Method 5: Software to recover deleted photos or videos

In addition to the above methods, how to get back photos or videos that have been deleted for more than 30 days? You can recover photos or videos with Panda data recovery software, which can recover accidentally deleted or completely deleted photos or videos (it can also recover documents, emails, videos, audio, and other file types).

Prerequisites: A computer, download the Panda data recovery software from the official website

Steps to ReConverter Video Recovery:

Step 1: Select the appropriate recovery function

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

Choose the mode of video recovery according to your actual situation, if it is deleted, then choose to delete and recover by mistake, if it is for other reasons, then you can choose accordingly, we will show an introduction before moving the mouse to the recovery mode, you will know that mode is suitable for you through the introduction.

Step 2: Select a location where the original data is stored

 Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

Select the location of the original video mode, select C disk on the C disk, select the D disk on the D disk, don't choose the wrong one, select it and click to start scanning.

Step 3: Find the file

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

How to find the scanned files, you can find them by the file type on the left, or by searching for the file name.

Step Four: Preview the recovered files

Recover accidentally deleted photos and videos

It is best to preview the file before recovery, if the preview is successful, it means that it can be recovered, if the preview fails, then it is very likely that the file has been damaged. Click Recover Now in the middle to recover the files.

The above is the relevant details of how to recover the photos and videos that were deleted by mistake, have you understood it? Cooperate with the software operation to better understand, if you encounter something you don't understand in the process of operation, take a look at the tutorial to understand, I hope this article can help you, thank you for watching.


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